2024-25 Innovative Teacher Grant
The Foundation for Leon County Schools (FLCS) was created to support K-12 resources that are not funded by tax dollars to our public schools. Business and community leaders serve on the Foundation Board of Directors which oversees Foundation programs and operations. To receive matching funds from the Consortium of Florida Education, the Foundation established the Innovative Teacher Grants program to enhance classroom instruction and recognize teachers for innovation and creativity.For more details,
- Review how to apply
- Learn about the FAQ
If you have any questions, please contact us at clarke4@leonschools.net
What are we looking for?
We award grants based on projects that are substantive in content and have potential to make the greatest impact. The grant application must demonstrate instruction aligned with school and district goals, a measurable educational impact, and the ability to be duplicated for ongoing and future implementation.
Unallowable Expenditures
- Salaries/Benefits
- Food/Beverage/Entertainment
- Support of Interscholastic Athletics
- Capital Improvements
- Decorative Items
- Awards/Incentives
- Fund Raising
- Pre-award costs
- PDAs/Cell Phones
- Reparis and maintenance
- Out-of-state travel
- No Overnight Field Trips
Allowable Expenditures
- Classroom Materials
- Local Field Trips
- Program Supplies
- Computer Software & Hardware
- Other Equipment (not computers)
- Printing
- Tuition/Training/Conferences
- Admission Fees
- Room Rental Fees
- iPads, iPods, Nooks, Kindles
Who May Apply?
Because we want to impact as many students as possible, we ask that teachers work cooperatively in the application process. In other words, two or more teachers should develop a grant request. All Leon County public K-12 school teachers may apply. A school may submit only one application per year. The intent of the grant is for teachers to work as a team on the project.
When is the Application Due?
The deadline is Thursday, August 31, 2024 by 11:59 PM
Grant request will only be considered that use the online form, there is no need to mail anything to the Foundation office. Once grants are awarded, we will expect a participant signature page. Our goal is to announce grant recipients prior to October 10.What Programs Areas Are Allowed / Maximum Grant Amount?
Funds can be used in six programmatic:
1. Increasing Graduation Rates
2. Teaching Quality
3. Literacy
4. Low-Performing Students
5. STEM (science, technology, engineering & math) Education
6. Career/Technical Education
The maximum grant amount is $10,000
1. Register
Click on the "Register" link and complete and submit the registration form.
2. Login
Login to the award with your email and password.
3. Create
Create your online application.
4. Save
During the Call for Applications period, your application can be saved as DRAFT until all the required information is completed and attachments uploaded. As each section is complete, you will see a appear in the category tab when the application is saved. At any time, you can download and print your application by clicking on the
icon in the Application Summary section.
5. Submit
On completion, save your Application as FINAL. Download and print a copy of your application for your records by clicking on the icon in the Application Summary section in the right column. Note: If an update is required prior to the Call for Applications period, you can make the update and resave as FINAL.
If you require assistance or additional information, please contact the Award Administrator.
How may the money be spent?
Because our grant program is partially funded through the School District Education Foundation Matching Grant Program (administered by the Consortium for Florida Education Foundations), grant money may be spent only on supplies, printing, curriculum, computer software/hardware, etc. Funding will not be approved for food, parties, recognitions, or awards. Projects need to be results-oriented with clearly defined goals.
Unallowable Expenditures
- Salaries/Benefits
- Food/Beverage/Entertainment
- Support of Interscholastic Athletics
- Capital Improvements
- Decorative Items
- Awards/Incentives
- Fund Raising
- Pre-award costs
- PDAs/Cell Phones
- Reparis and maintenance
- Out-of-state travel
- No Overnight Field Trips
Allowable Expenditures
- Classroom Materials
- Local Field Trips
- Program Supplies
- Computer Software & Hardware
- Other Equipment (not computers)
- Printing
- Tuition/Training/Conferences
- Admission Fees
- Room Rental Fees
- iPads, iPods, Nooks, Kindles
What is the accounting procedure?
A check will be made out to the school and be placed into internal accounts. The school bookkeeper will issue checks to cover expenses and file a short accounting form at the end of the project and provide proof that funds have been spent on the grant project. Any unspent funds as of April 30, 2025 must be returned to the Foundation for Leon County Schools. PLEASE SPEND ALL OF YOUR MONEY. Contact Eric Clark at clarke4@leonschools.net if you need help!
How will the winning grants be chosen?
A committee composed of FLCS Board Members and/or Community Leaders will review grant applications. Projects are evaluated on their potential benefit to students, the number of students involved, project creativity and innovation, effective use of resources, potential sponsor support and evaluation methods. The review committee will receive blind applications (teacher and school names or references will be removed). This ensures that grant applications are judged on their merit and we avoid potential conflicts of interest.
What is the scoring rubric?
Project Overview (25 Total Points) |
Project Impact (25 Total Points) |
Project Description (20 Total Points) |
Project Assessment (20 Total Points) |
Budget (10 Total Points) |
Items of Interest:
This is a blind application form. On the first three tabs of the application form, please list the school, teacher names and other identifying information. Please do not identify applicants, schools, or communities on the last three tabs on the form.
If our grant is awarded, is there any other responsibility other than implementation and evaluation?
Yes, we ask that awardees document their projects with pictures and/or videos. We also may request selected grantees to deliver a short presentation at one of our Foundation Board of Directors meetings. If your grant is selected for a Board presentation you will be notified a minimum of 30 days in advance of the meeting date.
Contact Us
2757 W. Pensacola Street
Tallahassee, Fl 32304
Phone: (850) 487-7241
Email: clarke4@leonschools.net
Key Dates
Application Closes: August 31, 2024
Review Begins: September 1, 2024
Review Ends: September 30, 2024
Grant Awards Announced: October 2, 2024